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Wisdom & Dreams at 43

While visiting a piercing shop last week, I sat next to a beautiful chocolate woman with short natural hair. The tips of her hair had been dyed honey blonde and she was wearing an orange Home depot shirt with blue jeans…

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Impatiently Waiting

Over the past few years, I've noticed a distinct pattern among women in relationships. I've had friends that are in relationships, waiting anxiously for their men to propose to them. Some of them waiting 2 years, others waiting 5; and…

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Surrendering to Submission

Surrender and submission. What a ridiculously daunting title. Two words that most women would rather extract from existence all together. Two words that our culture cannot stand. Neither surrender nor submission present a self pleasing reality, however I've realized that they…

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Role Recognition: Being His Help

Around the time of our one year marriage anniversary, I remember complaining to myself about specific things that my husband would do. He procrastinated and was very unorganized along with several other things that had begun to get on my…

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Where Your Mind Goes…

"Where your mind goes, your body goes" those words ran repeatedly in my head as each contraction came and went. Those were the words that our amazing birthing teacher would say as she prepared us for the craziest experience of…

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9 Months and Counting…

Recently, I began reading a book called Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Muze and it led me to reflect on my journey through pregnancy; which in turn led me to assess where I am now versus where I was just a few…

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F Them Bills.

"I miss the days when I had money." I found myself saying this as I walked out of the grocery store a few days ago. After having spent more money than expected, I began to stress about money and how we…

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Sub tweeting & Unforgiveness.

I'd like to begin this piece with a confession: I watch Being Mary Jane and I love it. In contrast to the dramatic and somewhat shameful first season; this season, Mary Jane uses her platform to touch on prominent issues…

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