12 Lessons Of 2020
We don’t need to do a lot of chit chat here. Inspired by the great Pat Russo, here are 12 lessons I learned in 2020. You Can Run, But How Long Can You Hide? For a long time, I tried…
Called: A Sunday Sermon
A few days ago, I was standing in the kitchen, listening to a Maverick City Music song when my eyes began to well with tears. I didn’t hold them in. I embraced the moment and let them fall. I was…
Choices: A Sunday Sermon
I’ve been thinking about choices for the last two days. I was playing a card game called “Whot” with my hubby and I won three or four games in a row. He said “You’re good.” I took a breath and…
Show Up: A Sunday Sermon
For the last two months, I’ve been getting this message to “show up.” I noticed this pattern in my life where I would take on more responsibility and then run away from it because it felt overwhelming. My life is…
Rest: A Sunday Sermon
If I can be honest, I struggled writing this week’s Sunday Sermon. I struggled because I kept trying to make something work that just wasn’t working. I worked it and reworked it and almost posted it but felt like it…
Stalling: A Sunday Sermon
A few years ago I decided to take my first solo trip. I wanted to go to the beach, for three days, alone. I told my husband I was going, booked my place on the beach, and started packing. My…
Choose: A Sunday Sermon.
For a while now, I’ve been wanting to use my gift of spiritual connection for good. I’ve been wanting to share my heart and whatever I feel God is saying. I’ve been wanting to give of myself in new ways. …
I Am A Writer.
I am a writer. There is venom behind my pen. Courage within my words, I Inflict poison into mindsets of old degenerates seeking to create missiles with our pain. I am a writer. My speech and my cure are…
All The Bright Places Are Within.
I woke from two, strange, heavy dreams this morning. In one, I was sidetracked by a friend in need and never found my car after hours and hours of search. The second, I had several people in my house -…